Curriculum vitae of Franz Joseph Esser

Franz Esser as a graduate in Cologne, 1910 (Foto H. Schlüter, Cologne)
Franz Esser as a student in Berlin, 1913 (Foto H. Noack, Berlin)
Hannes M. Flach: Franz Esser as a painter in Cologne-Bickendorf, 1932
Gerhard Holzinger: Portrait Foto Franz J. Esser, ca. 1963; Franz J. Esser-Archive, Ingelheim
16.01.1891 Born in Cologne, Blindgasse, as son of the shoemaker Franz Anton Hubert Esser and Anna Maria Esser, née Menné.
1907 First oil paintings
Feb. 1910 Leaving Certificate at the Kgl. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gymnasium, Cologne.
1910/11 Studies on history of art at the University of Bonn as student of Paul Clemen. Meeting Max Ernst at the course Zeichnen und Modellieren nach der Natur und der Antike.
1911-13 Studies on history of art in Berlin and Munich as student of Heinrich Wölfflin.
Sept. 1912 First travel to Istanbul
Jan.-Aug. 1914 Trainee at the Hofglasmalerei Hans Bockhorni, Munich.
1914-17 Soldier in First World War (Western front: Vosges, Somme; Eastern front: Galicia, Romania).
1917-21 Prisoner of war in Siberia and homeward journey via Manchuria (a. o. Chabarowsk, Kansk, Beresowka, Chailar, Charbin, journey home from Wladiwostok by ship).
1921/22 Berlin: Free occupation as artist. Meeting Otto Freundlich.
March-May 1922 Member of the Berlin group Kommune, together with Otto Freundlich, Raoul Hausmann and others.
1922-25 Unkel/Rhine; several journeys to Prague
1926 Cologne: together with Peter Abelen and Peter Hecker foundation of the lobby Der Kunstsammler.
1926-33 Close relations to the group Cologne Progressives. Aquaintance with Heinrich Hoerle, Franz W. Seiwert and others. Several exhibitions.
1927 Half year of studies in Istanbul. Mostly water-colours.
1928 Half year stay in Paris. Numerous water-colours and nude drawings.
1929 Half year of studies in Paris. Oil paintings.
1930-33 Cologne: Free occupation as artist. Focus on abstract oil paintings in close relation to Rhinish Constructivism. Avocational work as press draughtsman, illustrating travel reports for the supplement Die Reise of the Kölnische Zeitung.
1930 Voyage to Finnland
1931 Trip to Danzig
1932 Member of the Gruppe 32
1933 Cologne: Marriage with Hetty Schuler
1934-64 Residence in Munich (München-Laim, since 1939 Lochham near Munich)
1934-45 Occupation as caricaturist at the Münchner Neueste Nachrichten
1935 Birth of daughter Hedwig Mechtild, named Hetta
1939 Birth of son Franz Martin
1943-47 Focus on water-colour landscapes
1945 Death of wife Hetty
1945-50 Numerous glass window designes; three of them executed by the Franz Mayer’sche Hofkunstanstalt, Munich.
1950 Marriage with Liselotte Backhaus, née Schlüter
1949-64 Occupation as caricaturist for the Nürnberger Nachrichten. To a small extent oil paintings featuring abstract topics. Numerous designs for book illustrations.
18.06.1964 Died in Seefeld on Pilsensee. Buried in Gräfelfing near Munich.